PCEC Conducts Multi-agency Mayday Drill

Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative operations and safety teams collaborated on a realistic mayday drill with multiple service agencies on Tuesday, April 23. The drill gave teams training in the case of high voltage shock from a power line to a line worker.

LifeFlight Eagle, Kearney Fire and Rescue and Clay County Emergency Management were also part of Platte-Clay Electric’s training.

“This is standard annual pole-top rescue training that all linemen are required to do,” said Manager of Communications Jennifer Grossl. “They are required to climb a pole and rescue a mannequin that represents an unresponsive co-worker. This year they are combining this with a mayday drill as if we’ve had a 7200 volt electrocution, which would be a dire emergency.”

Employees from North Central, Grundy, West Central, Northwest, and Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives, as well as Platte Clay Electric Cooperative practiced rescue procedures as if a lineman had received a 7200 volt shock while climbing an electric pole or in a bucket truck.

Linemen took turns climbing a practice pole, securing a mannequin and lowering it to the ground. They also practiced lowered a bucket apparatus and rescuing a mannequin from a bucket.

First responders were able to practice a simulated scenario from arriving on scene, to administering life-saving treatment specific to the injury, and then being airlifted from the area by LifeFlight. The drill aimed to realistically see how long response times would be and practice best case scenarios for first responders.

Platte-Clay Electric’s purpose for the drill was to provide an elevated level of training and to test the skills of PCEC linemen, dispatch, and other responding agencies. This training and drill served as an opportunity for all entities to train, improve processes, and learn from one another. 

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story