Missouri Decides Constitutional Amendments

Voters went to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, to decide who will fill key office positions in the Missouri government. Missourians also had a chance to cast a vote for several statewide issues, including legalized sports betting, abortion and another minimum wage hike.

Amendment 2

Missourians were in favor of legalized sports betting. Amendment 2 is said to create new opportunities for Missouri to retain sports betting revenue previously lost to neighboring states. The measure establishes a 10% tax on betting revenue. Proceeds are supposed to go for public education, programs for compulsive gambling prevention, and the gaming commission, but details were fuzzy to most voters. 

Amendment 3

Amendment 3, to overturn Missouri’s abortion ban eked by with just 51.7% of the vote. Amendment 3 restores the right to have an abortion up to the point in a pregnancy when the fetus is likely to survive outside of the uterus. It gives state lawmakers some say in regulating abortion after fetal survivability, which is around six months. There would be exceptions for the life, mental and physical health of the mother regardless of fetal survivability.

Amendment 5

Amendment 5 to license a new casino on the Osage River near Bagnell Dam failed by over 52% of the vote.

Amendment 6

About 61% of voters struck down this amendment that would have reinstated a $3 court fee to help fund the Missouri Sheriff’s Retirement System. The funding would have been used for current and former sheriffs, circuit attorneys, and prosecuting attorneys.

This was not a tax on the general public, but a court fee charged to defendants in the Missouri court system. Opponents argue that reinstating the fee could lead to more drivers receiving tickets, although there is no data to support that assumption.

Amendment 7

Missourians also voted for Amendment 7 which clarifies that only U.S. citizens may to vote in Missouri elections. It also bans ranked choice voting where voters rank their choices instead of voting for a winner.

Proposition A

Proposition A, which will raise the state’s minimum wage and mandate sick leave for all employees, passed by 57.6% of Missouri voters.

Missouri has given its workers minimum wage increases over the last several years, and residents wanted another. Missouri’s current minimum wage of $12.30 an hour will increase next year to $13.75 an hour, then to $15 an hour in 2026. Missouri’s minimum wage will also be adjusted each year based on the consumer price index.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Fulfillment House Fulfills Your Dessert Needs this Thanksgiving

The Fulfillment House in Kearney normally offers packaging, filling, and shipping services, warehousing and inventory needs, and printing services. This Thanksgiving they are filling your dessert needs to raise money for the non-profit organization.

The Fulfillment House and Betty’s Place in Holt are working together to provide desserts for your table with several sweet treats. Available items include dinner rolls, biscuits, cinnamon rolls and twists, carrot cake cupcakes, and pumpkin, pecan, strawberry rhubarb, and apple cobbler pies.

“Your purchase directly impacts our mission to provide the meaningful and enriching employment opportunities for adults with special needs,” reads the Fulfillment House website.

Orders are due by Saturday, November 16. Pick up will be on Tuesday, November 26, from 7 am to 4 pm. Your purchase directly impacts their mission to provide the meaningful and enriching employment opportunities for adults with special needs.

To order your Thanksgiving desserts click HERE.

If you'd like to order more than those items listed, please e-mail Abigail at abigail@thefulfillmenthouse.org.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Tractor Supply Holds Pet Adoption Event

The Kearney Tractor Supply is inviting customers to attend a Pet Adoption Event on November 16, 2024, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

"As an active advocate and supporter of pet rescue and adoption, Tractor Supply strives to inform our customers of the pet adoption process by providing a safe and comfortable space for placing adorable animals in welcoming homes," said Jennifer Fletcher, manager of the Kearney Tractor Supply store. "Through this and other year-round adoption events, our goal at Kearney store is to connect adoptable pets with interested owners."

The pet adoption event is open to the public and friendly, leashed pets. It will take place at Tractor Supply at 901 W. 92 Highway. During the event, the following community partners will be on hand with dogs and cats looking for homes.

This event is in partnership with Ace's Cat Sanctuary who will be on site from 10 am to 2 pm.

For more information, please contact the Kearney Tractor Supply at 816-628-2972.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Bulldog Boys Take Conference Swim and Dive

The Kearney High School Boys Swim & Dive Team earned its 10th-consecutive conference championship on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Gladstone Community Center.

The Bulldogs won the 2024 conference title by 250 points and won every single event.

“All season long the boys have been focused on closing out and finishing this decade of dominance,” Head Coach Trevor Woehman said. “My staff and I are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication these boys have given to this team and this program.”

The postseason includes Districts for diving on Saturday, Nov. 9, and the Class 1 State Meet on Nov. 15-16 in St. Louis.

200 Medley Relay – Conference Champs

  • Whitaker Steward

  • Bennett Freeman

  • Parker Bartlett

  • Parker Mendel

200 Freestyle

  • Parker Bartlett – Conference champ & PR

  • Parker Mendel – 2nd-place finish & PR

  • Patrick McNellis – 4th-place finish & PR

200 IM

  • Whitaker Steward – Conference champ & season best

50 Freestyle

  • Bennett Freeman – Conference champ & PR

  • Chase Hoover – 2nd-place finish & PR

  • Jake Zwick – PR

  • Brayden Peck – PR


  • Isaac Clayton – Conference champ

  • Nathan Watson – 2nd-place finish

100 Butterfly

  • Whitaker Steward – Conference champ & season best

  • Braeden Mallonnee – 2nd-place finish & PR

  • Landon Morrill – 4th place finish and a new PR

100 Freestyle

  • Parker Mendel – Conference champ & PR

  • Brayden Peck – 5th-place finish & PR

  • Jake Zwick – PR

  • Peter Jensen – PR

500 Freestyle

  • Parker Bartlett – Conference champ

200 Freestyle Relay – Conference champs & season best

  • Braeden Mallonnee

  • Bennett Freeman

  • Landon Morrill

  • Chase Hoover

100 Backstroke

  • Braeden Mallonnee – Conference champ & PR

  • Chase Hoover – 5th-place finish & PR

  • Patrick McNellis – 6th-place & PR

100 Breaststroke

  • Bennett Freeman – Conference champ & PR

  • Landon Morrill – 3rd-place finish & PR

  • Peter Jensen – 5th-place finish & PR

400 Freestyle Relay -Conference Champs

  • Parker Mendel

  • Parker Bartlett

  • Braeden Mallonnee

  • Whitaker Steward

Ray Weikal contributed to this story.

Chamber of Commerce Changes Locations

After several years located at 455 Sam Barr Drive, the Kearney Chamber of Commerce has moved its headquarters to a more central location in Kearney. The move gives the Chamber a larger office space in a more accessible area of town.

The new location of the Chamber of Commerce office is in the Kearney Commercial Center, between Waters Hardware and the Kearney School District Early Education Center. The space was formerly occupied by Insta Deals.

The new location is a benefit to chamber members as well as individuals in the community.

“This new location is ideal for us to better serve our members,” Executive Director Stacie Bratcher said. “It gives us more office space, workspace and conference space that will help our member partners.”

The office has been newly redesigned and remodeled with three office spaces, a large conference room and kitchen area, welcome center and community area that could be used for workshops, seminars and gatherings.

The new location also has an added benefit of a large parking area that would make it easier for the Chamber to coordinate outdoor events such as the Farmers’ Market.

The new address of the Kearney Chamber of Commerce is 190 W State Route 92, in Kearney. The Chamber provides copying and scanning, mailbox services, design services, admin services, social media services and coworking space to all businesses and individuals in the community. For more information visit KearneyChamber.org.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.