Clay County Annex Work Halted Again
/In a statement released by Clay County Presiding Commissioner Jerry Nolte, it appears that work on the controversial annex project has been halted once again.
Associate Commissioner Gene Owen shall immediately be removed as Supervisor and Design Representative of the proposed annex construction - Presiding Commissioner Jerry Nolte
Presiding Commissioner Nolte released the following statement that detailed the status of the project:
Work on Commissioner Owen's vanity project, the $20,000,000 proposed county annex, has ceased and the heavy construction equipment has been removed... for now. Stoppage of construction on this project is a victory for Clay County citizens, but more must be done. Working to carry out the will of the people of Clay County, I have filed two resolutions related to the annex (below) for the October 19 meeting:
Work and payment of public funds must cease on the proposed annex until the required permits from the established local government authorities are obtained and the proper process is followed.
The immediate removal of Commissioner Owen as project supervisor and sole expenditure authority for his failure to report on the status of the project. His mishandling of this project has resulted in the ongoing waste of vast amounts of public funds. Commissioner Owen has purposefully and directly worked to block any discussion or disclosure of information on these expenditures and any progress on this $20,000,000 project in an open meeting to the public.
The defiance by Owen of both the will of Clay County citizens and the Stop Work Order by Kansas City is not acceptable. Before any more borrowed money is spent, this project must be brought before the public for their review and consideration by the new County Commission for their input. This entire project has been shrouded in secrecy from the people and the county commission as a whole. If this is so good for Clay County, why conceal information?
This is a twenty year obligation on you and your families.
No further expenditures of County funds, including funds derived from a Certificate of Participation, shall be made related to the proposed county annex at the Southeast corner of Highway 152 and North Brighton Avenue until the platting process is complete, approved by the City Council of Kansas City and presented to the Clay County Commission in open session. And any required permits from the established local government authorities must be obtained and presented to the Clay County Commission in open session. All work and site preparation shall cease until that time. Other activities that shall cease are payment of professional fees, instruction to any contractors or subcontractors that would result in accruing a financial cost to the county and the purchase of furnishings or any other materials or instillation of utilities or infrastructure related to the proposed county annex.
Commissioner Owen, in his supervisory role for the construction of the proposed county annex at the Southeast corner of Highway 152 and North Brighton Avenue, has failed to report the progress and condition of the construction and expenditures of public moneys to the Clay County Commission. Associate Commissioner Owen has actively blocked public discussion of issues related to the construction of the proposed county annex. Associate Commissioner Owen has failed to certify to the county commission that work related to the proposed annex expending public funds, has been completed and executed according to contract.
Associate Commissioner Gene Owen shall immediately be removed as Supervisor and Design Representative of the proposed annex construction.
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KPGZ News – Jim Dickerson contributed to this story