Clay County Announces Winter Sports Options

On Friday, November 13, the Clay County Public Health Center issued a statement which gave recommendations to school districts regarding the winter sports season. The health department offered schools three options on how to proceed with the activities as COVID-19 cases rise.


In the first option in the announcement, Director of Public Health, Gary Zaborac, said school districts could consider moving the winter sports seasons to the spring. The second option in the announcement indicated all student-athletes must learn remotely during the season. They may practice and play games following the school district safety protocols. This would allow winter sports to continue as planned.

In the third option, schools could proceed with winter sports as scheduled with COVID-19 precautions in place to be set by each school district. The Health Department suggests not allowing spectators or significantly limiting spectator attendance while requiring masks and physical distancing measures to be in place in this option.

The Kearney School District has not made a decision or put out a statement following Clay County Health Center’s recommendation. A decision on which option the district will follow will likely be announced in the next few days.

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KPGZ Sports –Brian Watts contributed to this story