Representatives Appeal to Governor in Response to the Defunding of KCPD

Northland Republican Members of the Missouri House of Representatives, who represent parts of Kansas City, requested Governor Mike Parson to call a special session in response to the unprecedented defunding of the Kansas City Police Department.


“There is a new financial crisis now that’s been created by the mayor when it comes to providing public safety for Kansas City at a time when violent crime in Kansas City is at an all-time high,” Representative Doug Richey said. “This is more than wrongheaded on the part of Mayor Lucas.”

“Last week’s actions needlessly puts my constituents at risk and threaten the positions of 400 law enforcement officers,” Representative Josh Hurlbert added. “The actions of the City Council are reckless all in an attempt to grab some form of power by the Mayor.”

Representative Sean Pouche said, “It is very disappointing that the Mayor chose not to include any of the Northland in the discussion, nor the Police Chief in this decision, or mention his plans during the recent budget talks.”

“The actions of the Mayor have been divisive, have lacked transparency and have put law enforcement and communities at risk,” said Representative Chris Brown.

The letter concludes, “Kansas City is a city in crisis. This move only pushes a city we love and represent closer to the brink of disaster. As a State, we must move to protect our citizens in the state’s largest city and restore the statutory intent of the General Assembly. In light of the rapidly developing situation, we ask that you call a special session of the legislature to address this dangerous action.”

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story