Motorists Still Feel Pinch at Pumps

Normally after Labor Day, the demand for fuel lessens and gas prices begin to fall. However it’s been three weeks since the holiday and motorists have seen little relief at the pump.


The price per gallon leapt up $0.14 from $2.75 to $2.89 at most stations in Kearney today. The price of crude oil, which is above $73 per barrel is keeping prices at a seven year high.

“Consumers should see the usual autumn relief at the pump,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “But factor in that approximately 16% of crude production in the Gulf of Mexico is still shut down because of Hurricanes Ida and Nicholas and the concerns about what higher COVID cases could do to the economy, and this uncertainty is helping to keep oil prices elevated.”

The Energy Information Administration believes that due to hurricane recovery and restoration process continuing, pump prices may stabilize. Most Louisiana refineries are running again, but high crude prices may keep gasoline prices above normal this fall.

Missouri motorists will see another increase this Friday as the state’s gas tax increases. Earlier this year Governor Parson signed legislation to increase the tax incrementally over the next five years. The tax will go up 2.5 cents a year starting October 1.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this report