School District Launches New ID Security System

The Kearney School District is launching the new Hall Pass Visitor Management System as part of the ongoing work to create an even more secure learning environment for students and staff.

Hall Pass is a fast, effective way of ensuring that families and other visitors can get access to their schools while also keeping anyone on the sex offender registry and other restricted individuals away from students and staff. The system is now installed and operating in the front offices at all KSD schools.

“Safety and security are our top priorities in Kearney School District,” Superintendent Emily Miller said. “We value the trust that families place in us with their children, and are continuing to refine the ways we make our schools safer and more secure. Hall Pass is one more way for us to help meet that goal.”

When entering a school, each visitor must present a government-issued ID at the front office. The ID is scanned, and in seconds, Hall Pass conducts a check against the national database of registered sex offenders and a list of restricted visitors.

If the visitor is cleared, Hall Pass will print a time-stamped and dated photo badge for the visitor to wear while on school grounds. The badge will include the reason for and location of the visit.

If the visitor is found on the restricted list, and he or she has a pre-approved, legitimate, school-related reason for the visit (a parent meeting with the principal or teacher, for instance), that person will be supervised by a KSD representative in a secure area away from students. Otherwise, school leaders and safety personnel will be alerted, and he/she will be politely escorted off the property.

The following government-issued IDs are accepted:

  • State driver's license

  • State-issued ID

  • Passport card

  • U.S. Military ID

  • Permanent resident card

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story