Education Foundation Breakfast Returns in April

The Kearney Education Foundation is proud to bring back the annual Rise and Shine for Kids Community Breakfast fundraiser this spring.

The annual breakfast fundraiser helps fund teacher innovation grants, student scholarships and special requests from clubs and school efforts that lack district funding. In 2019 the breakfast raised over $25,000 for initiatives that are not included in the school district’s budget.

The Rise and Shine for Kids Breakfast includes award presentations of teacher innovation grants, as well as opportunities for participants to meet students who have benefitted from these scholarships and teacher grants. There will also be students performing during the event.

The annual Rise and Shine for Kids breakfast fundraiser will take place from 7 to 9 am, on Friday, April 22, at the Annunciation Community Center, 705 N. Jefferson St. Tickets and table sponsorship information for can be found on the Education Foundation’s website at

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story