Another Heat Wave Expected This Week

After a pleasant break in the weather last week, we can expect high temperatures and humidity to return this week. The first week of August will bring in some oppressively hot days with actual air temperatures between the mid to upper 90s.

It will feel like mid-July again as heat index values soar close to 105 degrees Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Chances of rain return on Wednesday, but that won’t provide cooler air temperatures.

Thursday and Friday look to be dry, but temperatures will climb to the low 90s each day, and continue into next week.

Those who work or spend a lot of time outdoors this week will need to take precautions to cope with the steamy weather. Have plenty of water to stay hydrated, and a place to cool down, whether that is a car that has working air conditioning or a building that is air-conditioned and shaded properly.

KPGZ Weather - Brian Watts contributed to this story