Forensics Team Earns Gold

The Kearney High School “Talking Bulldogs” Forensics Team garnered a top prize during the Park Hill High School Crabtree Classic Varsity Tournament last weekend.

Sophomores Izzy Kimberlin and Britta Nielson competed in Informational Speaking against 38 different schools from across the metropolitan region and state. The competition was tough and there were 45 entries in their event, the largest competitive pool the team has been up against all season, according to Forensics Coach Ashley Weaver.

Ms. Kimberlin did well in her preliminary rounds but just missed advancing to the semifinals by a small margin. Ms. Nielson advanced to the semifinals and easily advanced to the finals by ranking first in her grouping. The final round was tough, filled with several conference winners and previous state qualifying speakers.

In the end, Britta, with her clever speech and professional delivery won the judges over and took first place overall. After advancing to finals several times this year and placing, this was Britta’s first gold medal result at a varsity forensics tournament.

“I am so proud of our team,” Ms. Weaver said. “Both Izzy and Britta represented the Bulldogs well! They’re having a great season and I’m excited to see what they accomplish moving forward.”

KPGZ News - Ray Weikal with the Kearney School District contributed to this story