Freezing Temperatures Cause Problems at Home

The National Weather Service is forecasting temperatures below the freezing mark for the next week, including several nights where the overnight low will remain about zero.

This type of weather can cause serious problems with frozen pipes in your home.

Tracy Tucker State Farm posted some helpful tips on her social media sites on Friday.

Some helpful tips include open cabinet doors to let warmer room temperatures flow in, and allowing faucets to drip overnight to keep water moving through the pipes.

If your pipes do freeze, shut off the water immediately and thaw them with warm air, with a hair dryer or space heater. Do not leave space heaters unattended and do not use kerosene heaters or open flame.

Be careful turning water back on. Once pipes are thawed, slowly turn the water back on and check pipes and joints for any cracks.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story