Deputies Investigating Toddler Abandoned in Car

Clay County Deputies are investigating an incident of a toddler who was left in a hot car Monday, June 24, near Smithville Lake.

Sheriff’s Deputies were called to W Highway near Smithville Lake regarding  man standing over and possibly assaulting someone. When they arrived on the scene all they found was a car with the doors open.

Inside the car they found a toddler strapped into his car seat. The child was red and sweating profusely. The temperature inside the car was 100 to 102 degrees according to deputies.

The deputies removed the toddler and placed him into one of their air-conditioned patrol vehicles and tried to offer him water while waiting for an ambulance.

Other deputies searched the area when they found a man and woman down by the lake, passed out on a blanket with an infant asleep between them. The baby appeared pale and lethargic.

Deputies woke the adults, who appeared and smelled intoxicated. Deputies removed the baby and placed it an air-conditioned vehicle to cool down.

The adults were asked if they knew where the toddler was, but they didn’t. The adults also had a large amount of alcohol in their possession.

The children were transported to the hospital to be checked, then the Missouri Children’s Division took them into their custody. The female was transported to the hospital for dehydration and the male suspect was booked into the Clay County Detention Center. The case has been turned over to the Clay County Prosecutor’s Office for review.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.