Commission Approves Transportation Improvement Program

The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission approved the FY 2025-2029 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, which lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies from July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2029.

The five-year program is the largest to date with $14.6 billion for transportation needs and includes additional funding from General Revenue. The STIP was passed by the Missouri General Assembly and signed by Gov. Mike Parson. Funding is allocated for the improvement of interstates 70 and 44, the fixing of low-volume minor roads, and improvements to bridges, airports, and rail crossings.

The STIP makes available $14.6 billion of federal and state revenues for all modes of transportation over the next five years. Of the $14.6 billion, the STIP details $10.7 billion in road and bridge construction contractor awards, averaging approximately $2.1 billion per year.

“The available state road and bridge funds along with the work of the General Assembly and Gov. Parson continue to result in historic investments in transportation infrastructure that benefit Missourians across the state,” said Missouri Department of Transportation Director Patrick McKenna. “We thank our regional planning partners who helped develop this plan. Delivering this high level of investment in projects is only possible because of the partnership between the MoDOT team and the private sector in design engineering and construction contractors. We are asking the public to work with us and slow down to protect the workers in work zones.”

The STIP details maintenance improvements to Missouri’s 33,811 miles of roads and 10,392 bridges and culverts. The draft STIP was released in May for public review, with MoDOT receiving 107 comments.

The STIP also includes detailed project information for non-highway modes of transportation and a section detailing planned operations and maintenance activities for the next three years. This additional information is provided to allow Missourians to more easily see how their transportation funding is invested. The Final STIP is available online HERE.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.