Clay County Comprehensive Plan Online for Public Review

Clay County is in the final stages of the Comprehensive Planning process. The final draft plan recommendations will be available online for public review and comment from Sept. 19 through Sept 30 at

There will also be an informational booth for the public to view the final draft plan at the Liberty Fall Festival on Friday, Sept 27 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Saturday, Sept 28 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Liberty City Hall Fountain. The public is encouraged to view the plan and share any final comments.

The final plan recommendations are slated to go before the Planning & Zoning Commission for adoption on December 3, 2024.

The goal of the plan is to provide the community with a compelling vision and plan that will be used to guide decision-making and development. The Plan will provide an inclusive framework for the orderly and consistent planning for future growth of the unincorporated portion of the County with collaboration from the municipalities and jurisdictions within the area. The core Plan elements include land use, economic development, mobility, environment, and collaboration.

For more information please visit

Brian Watts contributed to this story.