Back to School Means Back to Safety

August has arrived and with it the 2024-2025 school year. The Missouri State Highway Patrol would like to encourage parents to include conversations about safety when preparing their student for school.

It’s also important that drivers be prepared for the change in traffic patterns as students begin another year of instruction. In 2023, four people were killed and 403 injured in traffic crashes involving a school bus. In Missouri last year, a total of 877 traffic crashes involved school buses.

Remember these safety tips:


If you’re walking to school, stay alert! Cross the street at intersections or marked crosswalks and never between parked cars. Make eye contact with drivers when crossing the street to make sure they see you. Use sidewalks when they are available. If it is necessary to walk on the roadway, stay close to the left edge and step off to the left when traffic approaches. Never dash into the street after a friend or to retrieve something.

Riding a bicycle to school is a fun way to travel. If you’re riding your bike, be sure to wear a helmet and obey all traffic signs and signals. Ride as near to the right side of the roadway as is safe and use the proper hand signals when you plan to change directions, slow, or stop. Never carry passengers. Keep both hands on the handlebars except when signaling. Also, it’s important to maintain your bicycle in good condition.

If you ride a school bus, check the weather and dress accordingly. Wait in line for the bus on the shoulder or sidewalk. Use the handrail when getting on or off the bus. Never try to retrieve items that fall under the bus, alert your bus driver. Walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus when crossing the street. Sit quietly on the bus and keep the aisle clear. If anything goes wrong, stay calm and follow the instructions of the bus driver.

Most traffic crashes involving young drivers (under the age of 21) occur between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., when school typically lets out. Many of these drivers are young and inexperienced. Parents: It is important to encourage those young drivers to remember driving is a full-time job. Using a cell phone, texting, or adjusting the radio can be the distraction that leads to a traffic crash. It's also against the law.


Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about riding a bus, walking, or driving to school in a safe manner. If they ride a bike, please make sure they wear a helmet and follow traffic laws.

Please talk to your children about the Courage2ReportMO program, which provides a safe and confidential way to report any concerns regarding their safety or the safety of others. These concerns may include: assault, bullying/repeated harassment, cyber bullying, fighting, guns, homicide, human trafficking, knife, planned school attack, imminent school shooting, school shooting threat, sexual offense, suicide-other person (3rd party), or a terrorism threat (extremism). Those reporting their concerns may remain anonymous. C2R provides a “sooner is safer” tool to report real time concerns 24 hours a day. There are several ways concerned persons may submit a C2R report:

· through an Apple or Google Play Courage2Report mobile app,

· by speaking confidentially to a trained professional at 866-748-7047, or

· text "C2R" to 738477.


Always be vigilant, but especially near school zones, playgrounds, bicycle paths, and crosswalks when schools are in session. Expect pedestrian and bicycle traffic to increase near schools on days when the weather is good. When schools are in session, drivers should expect a change in traffic patterns ─ school buses, parents taking their children to school, and many young drivers will join other motorists on the road and affect the morning and afternoon commute. Whatever route you drive, expect this additional traffic and prepare by allowing extra time to reach your destination.

Missouri law states that on a two-lane road, if a school bus is stopped and displaying warning signals while loading or unloading children, drivers must stop when meeting and following the bus. However, it is only necessary to stop on a four-lane highway when following the bus. Drivers, when you see a stopped school bus, stay alert and follow the law. Children may not be aware of traffic and dart unexpectedly into the roadway. Remember: Put your cell phone down. Missouri is now a hands-free state.

Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Sales Tax Holiday Helps Shoppers Save

Missouri’s annual back-to-school sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 am on Friday, August 2, and runs through midnight on Sunday, August 4. During this time, certain back-to-school purchases such as school supplies, computers, clothing and other qualifying items as defined by statute are exempt from state sales tax.

During the sales tax holiday, state sales tax will not be charged on the following items:

Clothing that does not have a taxable value of more than $100. Eligible clothing items include any article of apparel intended to be worn on or about the body, including footwear and disposable diapers for infants or adults. Cloth and other material used to make school uniforms or other school clothing are also included. Not included are watches, watchbands, jewelry, handbags, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, scarves, ties, headbands, or belt buckles.

School supplies, not exceeding $50 per purchase, that are used in a standard classroom for educational purposes. School supplies include, but are not limited to, textbooks, notebooks, paper, writing instruments, crayons, art supplies, rulers, book bags, backpacks, chalk, maps, globes, handheld calculators, graphing calculators that do not have a taxable value of more than $150, and computer software that does not have a taxable value of more than $350. Not included are watches, radios, CD players, headphones, sporting equipment, portable or desktop telephones, copiers or other office equipment, furniture, or fixtures; and

Personal computers that do not cost more than $1,500 and computer peripheral devices that do not cost more than $1,500. A personal computer can be a laptop, desktop, or tower computer system which consists of a central processing unit, random access memory, a storage drive, a display monitor, and a keyboard. Peripheral devices include items such as a disk drive, memory module, compact disk drive, daughterboard, digitizer, microphone, modem, motherboard, mouse, multimedia speaker, printer, scanner, single-user hardware, single-user operating system, soundcard, or video card.

Anyone who makes a qualified purchase may participate in the holiday. You do not have to be a Missouri resident or student to participate and save.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story.

KSD to Host Annual Resource Fair

Kearney School District is hosting its 2024 Back-to-School Resource Fair from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8, and 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 9, at Hawthorne Elementary School, which is located at 1815 S. Jefferson St. in Kearney, Mo.

The annual Back-to-School Resource Fair features school supplies, backpacks, gently used clothing and other community resources for students in need. The event is designed to ensure that every child in KSD has the support they need to thrive in the upcoming school year, according to District Social Worker Meeghan Masters.

“Last year we were able to help 256 students be ready for their first day of school,” Ms. Masters said. “This is only possible because of the help of many partners from across the community.”

Families are asked to register their children for the resource fair in order to help organizers plan and run the event. Visit to complete a short online registration form.

Donate Items

KSD social workers will be collecting new and gently used clothes and shoes and distributing them during the Back to School Resource Fair. They need clothes and shoes in all sizes, from youth small to adult XXL. Basic school supplies are also needed. Donated clothes, shoes and supplies may be dropped off between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Aug. 5-9 at Hawthorne Elementary.

Buy A Shirt & Give A Shirt

Purchase a custom KSD back-to-school shirt for $17 and one will be donated for a student who attends the Resource Fair. A shirt can also be donated directly for just $8.50. Visit the Buy-A-Shirt-Give-A-Shirt site to learn more.

Donate Money

Monetary donations directly fund the fair and can be made to: Kearney R-1 School District, Attn – Back to School Resource Fair, 150 West State Route 92, Kearney, MO 64060


The fair is a great opportunity for individuals, families and organizations to volunteer for community service. Visit the online sign-up form to register as a volunteer.

For more information about the 2024 KSD Back to School Resource Fair, contact Meeghan Masters at

KSD’s 2024-2025 academic year starts on Tuesday, Aug. 20. Important back-to-school information is available and updated online at

To learn more about how to enroll a child in KSD, visit our enrollment webpage, call (816) 628-4116 or email

Ray Weikal contributed to this story.