Zero Traffic Deaths Reported this New Years Holiday

Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers investigated fewer traffic incidents this New Year’s Holiday than they did last year. Traffic-related deaths were also down this year.

Last year, troopers investigated 115 traffic crashes and 59 crash injuries. They worked three crash fatalities and arrested 139 people for DWI.

This year the Highway Patrol reported there were 44 traffic crashes and 21 people were injured during New Year’s holiday counting period, which began at 6 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and ended at 11:59 pm Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

The Highway Patrol also reported that there were no traffic-related deaths over the holiday counting period. There were 0 boating crashes and 0 drownings over the 2025 New Year’s holiday counting period.

Driving while intoxicated arrests were also down this New Year's holiday. Troopers arrested 55 drivers for DWI this year.

The fatality statistics in this news release could change if late deaths occur, or if other departments report fatal traffic crashes.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Bring in the New Year Safely

The Missouri State Highway Patrol wishes everyone a happy and safe New Year. One way for it to be happy is for everyone to arrive at their celebrations safely. Wear your seat belt, obey all traffic laws, pay attention, and please, don’t drive impaired. Remember: Missouri is now a hands-free state.

During the 2023 - 2024 New Year’s period, nine people were killed and 293 injured in 821 traffic crashes in Missouri. The 2024 - 2025 New Year’s holiday counting period begins at 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

If your plans to welcome the new year include alcohol, please designate a sober driver or utilize a ride share service or taxi to ensure you arrive home safely. The roadway is no place for a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you kill or injure someone, you’ll pay the price for the rest of your life.

If you plan to travel this New Year’s, remember to buckle up and make sure all your passengers do the same. Remember: Missouri is now a hands-free state. Pay attention, obey all traffic laws, and when in doubt, yield the right-of-way.

Drivers can download the MoDOT Traveler Information app to your smart phone, and check road conditions before you travel. Missouri law states if you’re using your windshield wipers, your headlights must be turned on.

The public is encouraged to call the Patrol's Emergency Assistance Number (800) 525-5555 or *55 on a cellular phone if they witness criminal activity or experience an emergency. These emergency numbers are operational for both highway and water emergencies.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Missouri Crashes and Injuries Down over Christmas

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that preliminary statistics related to Christmas holiday traffic incidences decreased this year.

The Highway Patrol reports that three people died in traffic crashes during the 30-hour counting period, which began at 6 pm, Tuesday, December 24, and ended at 11:59 pm, Wednesday, December 25. Troopers investigated 65 traffic crashes with 38 injuries this year. They also arrested 17 people for DWI.

During the 2023 Christmas holiday, troopers investigated 124 traffic crashes which included 2 fatalities and 71 injuries. Troopers arrested 81 people for driving while impaired during the 2023 counting period.

Statewide, there were 1,034 traffic crashes last year. In those crashes, three people were killed and another 346 were injured.

There were no boating crashes or drownings over the 2024 Christmas holiday counting period.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story.

Travel Safely This Christmas Season

The Missouri State Highway Patrol wishes everyone a merry and safe Christmas. One way for it to be merry is for everyone to arrive at their holiday celebrations safely. Wear your seat belt, obey all traffic laws, pay attention, and please, don’t drive impaired. Remember: Missouri is now a hands-free state.

Over the 2023 Christmas holiday, there were 1,034 traffic crashes statewide. In those crashes, three people were killed and another 346 were injured. Last year, the 78-hour counting period began at 6 p.m. Friday, December 22, 2023, and ended at 11:59 p.m. Monday, December 25, 2023. The 2024 counting period begins at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24, and ends at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, December 25, 2024.

Travelers are reminded that holiday drivers will affect traffic patterns. If you’re planning a trip during the holiday, please keep this in mind. Drivers are encouraged to make sure they are well rested, no matter how short their driving distance. Check the weather forecast and plan accordingly.

Downloading the MoDOT Traveler Information app to your smart phone allows you to check road conditions before you travel. Be proactive: Make sure your vehicle is in good condition and allow enough time to reach your destination safely. Winterize your vehicle before bad weather arrives, but realize that sometimes, it’s safest to stay home.

If faced with a traffic emergency, motorists can contact the Missouri State Highway Patrol at 1-800-525-5555 or *55 on a cellular phone. This emergency number will ring into the nearest Highway Patrol headquarters. Motorists should use this number if they are in a traffic crash, witness a crash or crime, or pass a stranded motorist in need of assistance, etc.

Troopers encourage motorists to protect themselves from all types of hazardous drivers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint. Please obey all traffic laws, and if alcohol is part of your holiday, designate a sober driver. Every driver can help make our roadways safer this holiday season.

KPGZ News –Missouri State Highway Patrol Release

Traffic Crashes Decreased This Thanksgiving Holiday

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports four people died in traffic crashes during this year’s Thanksgiving holiday counting period. There were no boating crashes or drownings.

During the Thanksgiving holiday counting period, the Highway Patrol responded to 362 crashes that included 120 injuries and four fatalities. Troopers also made 106 driving while intoxicated arrests.

The counting period started at 6 pm, Wednesday, November 27, and ended at 11:59 pm, Sunday, December 1.

Over the 2023 Thanksgiving holiday counting period, troopers investigated 431 traffic crashes, which included four fatalities and 138 injuries. Statewide, nine people died and 483 people were injured in 1,342 traffic crashes over last year’s Thanksgiving holiday. Troopers arrested 103 people for driving while intoxicated during the 2023 Thanksgiving holiday counting period.

There were zero boating crashes, zero boating fatalities, zero drownings, and zero boating while intoxicated arrests reported during the 2024 Thanksgiving holiday counting period.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story.