Othic to Pursue Opportunities Away from NTRC

There will be noticeable emptiness and big shoes to fill at the Northland Therapeutic Riding Center this fall. The center announced that Shaney Othic has resigned her position as Executive Director.

“It is with mixed emotions that I announce the resignation of Shaney Othic as the Executive Director of the Northland Therapeutic Riding Center,” announced Michel Ann Kaiser, President of NTRC Board of Directors. “After years of dedicated service and leadership, Shaney has decided to pursue new opportunities.”

Shaney Othic is the heart and soul of the riding center and a servant leader in Kearney. But as she once felt called to the center to help other people, she now feels called to other projects.

“All the major decisions in my life have been driven by my faith,” Shaney told KPGZ News. “I felt the nudge about a year ago but just wasn’t clear what it was about. This summer I went on a solo retreat and got quiet and listened and came to this decision.”

Kaiser said that Shaney has been an instrumental leader at the riding center.

“Her passion, vision, and unwavering commitment have helped us reach new heights, and her impact will be felt for years to come.”

As anyone who knows her would realize, this was a difficult decision for Shaney. She has a passion for the people who benefit from the program, the animals at the center and for serving others.

“I feel like God put me here for a reason and I have fulfilled that reason with a lot of blood, sweat and tears and it’s time to move on, Shaney posted on Facebook. “This place changed my life in so many ways but significantly in my journey to and through my sobriety. For that I am forever grateful.”

Brian Watts contributed to this story.