Kearney Adds Fireworks to Lights Parade

At the October 19 Board of Aldermen meeting, city leaders approved an agreement with Bill Shull to conduct a fireworks display at the city’s 1st Holiday Lights parade.

Shull volunteered to operate the fireworks display at the end of the event on the evening of Saturday, December 12, and will be reimbursed for the material costs and insurance expense. Shull has worked with the city and the Kearney School District for permission to shoot the display from the old football field behind Kearney Elementary School.


The reimbursement monies will come from the annual display fund that the city budgeted for the Independence Day fireworks show which is well below the annually budgeted line item of $30,000. The city decided to cancel this year’s display due to Clay County Public Health Center’s Covid-19 lockdown mandate.

The city unanimously approved to enter into the agreement to reimburse Shull a maximum of $7,000.00.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story