Coach Gray Pleased with Off-Season Workouts

Bulldog football is back and it’s official. On Monday, June 15th the Kearney Bulldogs were allowed to return to off-season practices after months of quarantine and social distancing. As the team begins preparing for its 2020 season, head coach Josh Gray remarked, “Athletes across the board didn’t just sit on the couch. We were all quarantined. Nobody was up at the school. Anything they did was on their own at home. Anything we did as coaches was through Zoom.”

Coach Gray is optimistic, and expectations are high

Coach Gray is optimistic, and expectations are high

Week one of practice allowed for small groups to participate in conditioning drills. Coach Gray says it’s been a different looking practice. “We utilize four fields, everything is outdoors. We took this week as our phase one if you will.” Gray mentioned how week one was a good opportunity to get everyone back into football shape and acknowledged most players did a great job of staying fit during the Covid19 quarantine.

“We’ll find out more when we get in the weight room and we start lifting. By looking at them (in these early practices) our kids did work. This camp we are running now is all fundamental stuff – ground zero basic stuff and working a lot on drills that will set us up in progression as we go through and install the skills they’re going to need and to dust off the cobwebs.”

In the weeks to come, more restrictions are likely to be lifted. Coach Gray is optimistic, and expectations are high. “It’s been good to see them and the guys that have stepped up.”

KPGZ Sports - Jackson Ogden contributed to this report