Clay County Public Health Center Amends Emergency Order
/The amended order will go into place July 5th and remain in place until July 20th
The Clay County Public Health Center has extended and amended the current public health emergency order. The emergency order issued on June 15th will largely remain in place but there are a number of changes to the order.
* All businesses and organizations occupancy restrictions are to continue at 50% of the entity’s authorized building/fire code occupancy. HOWEVER, a business may return to the entity’s authorized building/fire code occupancy provided that the following protocols are implemented and adhered to at all times: All employees or visitors to any indoor public accommodation must wear face coverings in an area or while performing any activity which will necessarily involve close contact or proximity to co-workers or the public and physical distancing standards continue to be applied. These spaces include, but are not
limited to, grocery and other retail stores, special events, and public transit.
* Taverns/bars must remain at 50% occupancy.
* Pools must remain at 50% occupancy.
* Youth sports for children 5 years and younger may resume. Full contact sports practices may resume in stable groups of 25 or under.
* Mass gatherings (including outdoor weddings and funerals) are still limited to 250 people.
* Churches and indoor wedding/funeral services: must maintain 50% occupancy if face coverings are not required or can have full occupancy if face coverings are required and physical distancing is met.
* Long-term care facilities must continue to restrict visitors.
This order will go into place Sunday, July 5th and remain in place until Monday, July 20th.
KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this report