New Commission Passes Balanced Budget for 2021

At the January 28 Commission meeting, the Clay County Commission adopted a balanced budget for the year 2021. This budget prioritizes sound fiscal management and increased support for law enforcement, while still retaining the high standard in place for core community services and values.


Clay County Commissioners were very clear that they remain diligent in the responsible application of all taxpayer funds. In the wake of COVID-19, Clay County residents have worked harder than ever to make the county a better place to live, and revenues remain strong. Commissioners stood firm in their dedication to protecting the investment of citizen’s tax dollars.

The County budget team worked tirelessly to prepare an optimal financial plan for the coming year. By massively reducing costs to law firms and other out-of-house entities, the budget team was able to significantly improve pay structures and funding in the County Sheriff’s Office, as well as restore funding to essential departments such as the Auditor and Clerk’s Offices. The County will also be able to continue funding of CERF and LAGERS enhanced pension programs at no cost to employees.

The 2021 proposed budget was prepared through direct collaboration with all offices and departments associated with Clay County. All elected officeholders and department officials were given an opportunity to appear in person to address requests and make comments, as the County continues to pursue efforts to become more inclusive and transparent.

KPGZ News – Jim Dickerson contributed to this story