Jesse James “Bark” is now Open

Canine residents of Kearney now have a place to play without a leash holding them back. On Monday, the Kearney Parks and Recreation Department announced the opening of Jesse James “Bark”.


The new dog park officially opened in Jesse James Park with areas for small dogs and large dogs to play in a safe fenced area. Recreation staff are still waiting for obstacles and agility stations to be added later this month, but the area is now open for dogs to explore.

“As promised, we will continue to deliver amenities like this to improve your quality of life in Kearney,” exclaimed Mayor Randy Pogue.

The city completed the majority of this project in-house, which saved thousands of dollars. The city also used local vendors like Barham Fence who worked on erecting the fence line of the park.

Patrons should use the park at their own risk and the risk of their pets. Owners are legally responsible for their dogs. Owners are also asked to have a leash readily available, and their dogs should be under voice control. Sick dogs, puppies and aggressive dogs are not allowed.

The dog park is on the east side of Jesse James Park and signs are posted to direct drivers to the location. 

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story