School Board Asks For Community Input

The Kearney School District will gather community input for our superintendent search process during a public meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 22 at the KSD Central Office, which is located at 150 W. State Rte. 92. 

KSD is searching for a new Superintendent of Schools who will start the position on July 1, 2022.

The Nov. 22 public meeting will be an opportunity for community members to meet with our superintendent search firm - EGL Association - and provide their thoughts about the qualities we need in our next leader.

“We’re seeking a person who will lead our district into the future, building upon our previous success and using our collective strengths,” Board of Education President Mark Kelly said. “We need thoughtful and candid input into this process from all community members in order to ensure that every KSD stakeholder is part of our search to find the best superintendent for our district.”

Similar superintendent search feedback is being collected by EGL Association from KSD staff members and parents/guardians.

Superintendent search updates will be posted in the Board of Education section of our website at

KPGZ News - Ray Weikal of the Kearney School District contributed to this story