Clay County Announces Senior Leadership

The Clay County Commission has filled the vacant senior leadership positions in its Administrative staff according to the County’s website. The March 3 statement outlines who is taking over administrative roles, some we have known since January.

Former Director of Facilities Management Donna Koontz is stepping into the role of Deputy Administrator - Facilities. Prior to 2016 Koontz held this post and she will be returning to oversee the position which now handles the physical maintenance and oversight of all Clay County facilities, including Parks and Historical Sites. Her management and team-building skills will be a welcome addition to the Administration.

Karl Walters is returning to the County as well, assuming the position of Deputy Administrator - Operations. Walters’ previous work as the Head of the Clay County Highway Department makes him a natural choice to improve efficiency and lead the County’s operational processes moving forward.

Former Director of Information Technology Kevin Shaw will also be returning, assuming the same role.

Previously with the County for over 7 years, Shaw will be leading the County’s technology department, bringing his IT management and development experience to an increasingly important area of county government.

The Deputy Administrators and Mr. Shaw will be reporting to new County Administrator Tom Salisbury.

Salisbury comes to the County from his most recent service in regional administration for the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Additionally, Kevin Graham, local attorney, will be joining the administration team as legal counsel, having served the County in the same position in years past.

Clay County is pleased to announce the return of these highly skilled and experienced individuals into its senior staff. The commitment of these individuals and their years of dedicated service are a welcome addition to the new Clay County Administration.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story