Parson Rejects Federal Vaccine Mandate
/Governor Mike Parson reacted quickly to President Biden’s announcement that the federal government will issue a vaccine mandate for private businesses. The Governor, Attorney General, and more than a dozen Missouri Senators believe Biden’s intended action is unconstitutional and an example of gross governmental overreach.
Missouri will not be a pawn in this publicity stunt that seeks to force Missourians to disclose private health care decisions and dictate private business operations - Governor Mike Parson
“This assault on individual liberty and free enterprise is a poorly executed attempt by the Biden Administration to reset after its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan," Governor Parson said. "With our southern border in crisis and as we are experiencing out-of-control inflation, President Biden is desperate to divert attention from his failures. However, Missouri will not be a pawn in this publicity stunt that seeks to force Missourians to disclose private health care decisions and dictate private business operations.”
On September 10, Biden announced his plans to use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue an unconstitutional vaccine mandate for private employers. The mandate would require employers with at least 100 employees to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus. Unvaccinated workers would need to produce negative tests results on a weekly basis.
According to a press release from the Governor’s Office, “This action would infringe on Missouri's constitutional authority and exceeds the scope of the authority granted to either President Biden or OSHA. The President cannot legislate with the flick of his pen from the Oval Office and OSHA cannot dictate personal health care decisions for Missourians. Missouri is not under an OSHA state plan, and Governor Parson will not allow state employees to be used to enforce this unconstitutional action.”
Missouri law makers are also standing up to Biden’s attempt to force citizens to be vaccinated. Several state senators sent a letter to the Governor’s Office requesting a special session to stand up to the mandate. Local elected officials are taking to social media to voice their opposition to federal overreach.
“Biden's unilateral attempt to impose a nationwide vaccine mandate on private businesses is an absurd overreach and abuse of [federal] power,” tweeted Senator Tony Luetkemeyer. “Businesses and citizens deserve the right to decide for themselves and not be subject to gov’t mandates. We must stand up to this power grab.”
“The Biden Administration's dictate is an overreach of federal power and absent any Congressional authorization,” according to Representative Josh Hurlbert. “Once finalized, the rule should promptly be thrown out by the courts as a violation of the 10th Amendment.”
KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story