Gas Prices Fall Despite Demand

Prices at the gas pump declined again, falling another 12 cents nationally since last week to $4.67. The dip in the national average for a gallon of gas occurred despite a slight rise in demand, likely due to robust July 4th holiday automobile travel. AAA forecasted that 42 million people would hit the roads for the holiday weekend, a new record.

“Usually, more people buying gas would lead to higher pump prices,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “But the price for oil, the main ingredient in gasoline, has fallen and is hovering around $100 a barrel. Less expensive oil usually means less expensive gas.”

According to new data from the Energy Information Administration, gas demand increased from 8.92 million b/d to 9.41 million b/d ahead of the 4th of July holiday, while total domestic gas stocks decreased by 2.5 million. Typically, these supply/demand trends would drive prices upwards; however, since oil prices have been trending lower, gas pump prices have followed that trend.

Gas prices in Kearney have been edging lower the last few weeks. The price at Pilot Travel Center is currently $4.09 per gallon.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story