Statewide Tornado Drill Set for March 7

The National Weather Service will conduct a statewide severe weather tornado drill on Tuesday, March 7, at 10 am. Emergency management professionals say this is a perfect opportunity for schools, businesses and residents to practice tornado safety and participate in the drill.

During the drill, NOAA weather radios set to receive the routine weekly tests will alert listeners that the tornado drill has begun. Outdoor warning sirens will also sound across the state.

The National Weather Service encourages people to participate by sheltering-in-place or discussing their tornado shelter plans among co-workers and family members. The purpose of the statewide drill is to help people practice their readiness for severe weather

The National Weather Service will use week of March 6th to post severe weather safety information about tornadoes, hail and high winds, flooding, lightning, on their social media pages.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story