City Hosts Public Hearing about Tax Levy

The City of Kearney, Missouri will hold a public hearing to receive public comments regarding the city's 2023 property tax levy, as required annually by state law. The hearing will take place at Kearney City Hall on Monday, September 18th, at 6:30 pm.

According to the City, Kearney experienced 13.46% growth in assessed valuation over last year. This growth includes new construction. The adjusted valuation year over year for existing property was 11.56%.

The 2023 property tax levy will decrease by $0.0278 to $0.5264 per $100 of assessed valuation, due to the Missouri Hancock Amendment.

The Hancock Amendment requires political subdivisions in Missouri to set tax rates at the amount that will generate the same amount of revenue as the prior year, plus new revenues for new construction.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story