Event Shows What’s Hidden in Plain Sight

The Clay County Sheriff’s Office will stage a teen’s bedroom at the school and show parents signs of drug abuse they can look for. Parents and guardians can walk through the space and see how teens often conceal these tell-tale signs. The Kansas City Missouri Police Department also is bringing a vehicle staged to show signs of drug abuse that parents can inspect.

Parents will be invited to walk through a teenager’s bedroom and look through a teenager’s vehicle to look for signs of illegal drug use in a new event, Hidden in Plain Sight, at 6 p.m. Monday, March 18, at Winnetonka High School, 5815 NE 48th St., Kansas City, Mo. 

The Sheriff’s Office’s Drug Task Force also will present about the latest drug trends they’re encountering. School Resource Deputies will be on hand to answer parents’ and guardians’ questions one-on-one.

Hidden in Plain Sight is the brainchild of one of the Sheriff’s Office’s School Resource Deputies assigned to high schools. He wanted to empower parents and guardians of teens to know the signs of illegal drug use so they can help their children avoid all of the negative impacts – including death - that accompany it.

The event is free to the public.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story